viernes, 22 de abril de 2016

What does it mean to me to learn english

When I was at school I wasn't much interested about learning English, actually I didn't care about learning anything, I only studied because I was supposed to.

As long as I grew up, like in 7th or 8th grade, I realised that it was easy for me to undestand the English contents at school, I didn't need to go over the themes to have good grades, so I started to like it, and I started to participate in different extracurricular activities involving English. like summer/winter camps with children from other schools, and even once I acted in a play in English for the younger childs of my school.

I think that period of time when I started to like English, coincided with the moment when I became interested in some bands that usually were from anglophone countries, and also I started to watch so many movies with mi dad and my uncle, that I begin to get used to hearing people talking in English, so I guess that was the reason why it became so easy for me in school, although several times I didn't memorised grammar structures or anything theoryc, I knew which words could function toghether and which wouldn't.

When my parents realized about my abilities for learning English they were proud I think, because English as always been very difficult for them, and I was able to help them sometimes for example when they needed to translate some instructions or wanted to know what their favorite songs said in Spanish.

Also when my classmates became aware that I had good grades in English, they started to ask me for help. Sometimes I wrote pronunciation of the typical dialogues that school teachers make students memorize, so it was easier for them to memorize the correct way of speaking.

Today I think for me it is very useful to keep learning English, mostly because I spend so much time watching movies and sometimes I download very rare films and I can't find the subtitles anywhere, so over time I have been able to watch and understand a few only with the English audio and sometimes with English subtitles too. Also, I have very unrealistic plans to travel around a few countries when I finish this studies, so I want to learn as much as I can before I go, because I think English is the language that most of the world can speak, so I could communicate with the people of the countries I want to go without major trouble.

viernes, 15 de abril de 2016

The best holydays/concert ever

Actually, the best holydays and concert of my life happened at the same time. It was 2014 and I had a powefull obsession for a band called The Mars Volta. I was a big fan for many years, but in 2013 the two most important and influent members of the band had conflicts and they annouced The Mars Volta no longer existed.

I was so sad and kept listening every album, every song, day after day, dreaming that someday they would play together again and I would be able to pay a plane ticket to wherever they would decide to make their spectacular comeback and see them play for the first time in my life!

So, a big announcement took place around april of 2014, they were back, as a new band called Antemasque. I was hysterical, hoping they would come to Chile, I didn't care if they no longer played those songs I loved so much, but they were together again and making new music that I slowly started to cherish.

Constitution Square, México City
But I waited, and no date on the tour was scheduled in Chile or even South America. So one day, watching videos of the shows in other countries, I started to think  "what if I travel to the nearest show?" So Mexico appeared, and in just an afternoon I had everything planned. My parents didn't even thought in the possibility that I carry on my plans, so they let me.

Soumaya Museum
In one month I spent all my money in the passport and had the plane ticket bought with some money mi dad borrowed me when he realized how determined I was to make that trip. So, I went there, alone, and a bit scared, but had a wondefull week, I stayed in a very decent and cheap hotel and walked throught many special places, I met really nice people and went to a great fair where I bought some discs and beautifull clothes.

A blowfish in Inbursa Acuarium
The last night in México city I went to Antemasque concert, I was so excited, I just couldn`t believe that I had managed to get there, everything that night was perfect, the show was so thrilling, I screamed my lungs out, I felt tremendously compensated, privileged, terribly happy.

After the concert I went walking back to the hotel, listening those songs I'd just heard live, almost shaking, with a strong heart beating and a feeling of complete fullness.


viernes, 8 de abril de 2016

Country I'd like to visit: New Zealand

I would really like to go to New Zealand because of the spectacular landscapes. I think its necessary at least once in a life to have the oportunity to see that kind of nature that's almost surrealistic.

Actually I don't know too much about that country, but I've heard that it's really expensive, but in the other hand, the minimun salary it's much more than here in Chile, so it's a good opportunity to work and save some money.

In first place I would like to go to travel the country. Some time ago I was searching how much it would cost to go that far, and I found out it's not so impossible, I think that with some months of work I can save enough to pay for the plane ticket and the rest I think can be solved with a tent and lots of food to cook.

Although sometimes I think it would be nice to live there for a while and study english to take advantage of improving what I already know.

I hope soon to have the courage to go there on my own.

lunes, 4 de abril de 2016

Activity 1

- Requirements to hire a bike in London.

The requirements to hire a bike in London are basicaly to pay a certain amount of money and return it on the period in which it was hired. In the case of the public bike sharing scheme, Santander Cycles, they give access to the bikes for 24 hours just for £2,and people can also hired them for a whole year by paying £90. Santander Cycles are emphatic with docking the bikes in the docking stations across the city while they are not being used.

- What's Oyster?

Oyster is a system that provides electronic smartcards to turists and visitors, so they no longer need to use money to travel in London's public transportation. Oyster cards come fully charged with credit and to use them turists have to touch the card on the yellow card reader at the gates at the start and the end of their journey.

- Is there a train system?

Yes, besides the London underground there is an overground rail services on six routes around the city. Oyster cards also can be use in this kind of transportantion.