viernes, 8 de abril de 2016

Country I'd like to visit: New Zealand

I would really like to go to New Zealand because of the spectacular landscapes. I think its necessary at least once in a life to have the oportunity to see that kind of nature that's almost surrealistic.

Actually I don't know too much about that country, but I've heard that it's really expensive, but in the other hand, the minimun salary it's much more than here in Chile, so it's a good opportunity to work and save some money.

In first place I would like to go to travel the country. Some time ago I was searching how much it would cost to go that far, and I found out it's not so impossible, I think that with some months of work I can save enough to pay for the plane ticket and the rest I think can be solved with a tent and lots of food to cook.

Although sometimes I think it would be nice to live there for a while and study english to take advantage of improving what I already know.

I hope soon to have the courage to go there on my own.

4 comentarios:

  1. This are very beautiful landscapes!! Pia!!Don´t think it and go there, all the effort will be rewarded!

  2. I have a friend that live part of his life in New Zeland and he takls me about beautiful landscapes. I agree with Tamara, you can go!

  3. These photographs are wonderfull! If you could go alone to México I believe that you can travel wherever you want!

  4. Coments on: Ignacio Briso, Tamara Mera, Sebastian Tapia.
