viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016

My Future Job

Actually, now I feel really indecisive about what to do with my future, right now I have no desire to work as a journalist, I only know that I like cinema and trees. I had done a few workshops and elective subjects about film analysis and apreciation, and I think I could work in that way in difusion and I also would like to create some kind of space to watch movies for free where I live, in Paine, so the people who live there could have an opportunity to share different experiences and points of view about the topics in diverse films.

On the other hand, about my love for trees and plants, I have a plan. My dad is starting an little agricultural business and he wants to sell different kinds of plants and trees, so I would really like to work with him, to help him with his rising business and also have a constant contact with nature, so I can have time to think and do the things that I like and matter.

I'm aware that my plans must be really different to the ones of my classmates, but I think I'm studing to learn more than to have a title and work in it. I can say I had learned a lot about life in this years at university more that about the career itself, but I don't feel closed to any alternative in the future, who knows, I may end up working as a journalist.

9 comentarios:

  1. Maybe, if you like cinema and trees, and you have the space, you can make a outdoor cinema :D

  2. I love the second option!! I want to see in the future Pia the farmer girl!

  3. I love the second option!! I want to see in the future Pia the farmer girl!

  4. I love the second option!! I want to see in the future Pia the farmer girl!

  5. Many of chilean filmmakers started their career's as journalists.

  6. Think quiet, peraphs later you can mix all your interest!

  7. Coments on: Ignacio Briso, Sebastian Tapia, Tamara Mera.

  8. Coments on: Tamara Mera, Ignacio Briso, Sebastian tapia.

  9. Several lexical items misused. Coherence is faulty due to vocabulary misused. However, overall message is well conveyed. 5,5
