viernes, 20 de mayo de 2016

Postgraduate studies

I have no intention to keep studying after I get the journalist degree, but if I had to think about something I would like to learn, it would be a course on documentary cinema. With years I have realized that I really like audiovisual journalism, not television, but documentaries, due to the closeness with film narrative. I've always liked cinema, but I think I'm not a creative person, so I never dared to study it, but with documentaries I think I could develop certain habilities to show the way I see things.

I've heard about the magister in documentary cinema that University of Chile imparts, and it sounds really interesting, if I could be accepted, I would like to take some theory courses like history of latinamerican documentary and film montage history, besides all the practical subjects in wich students learn and do every phase to create a documentary. 

I don't know if this kind of postgraduate course exists in other countries, but if it does, I would like to study in Argentina, Mexico or Spain, because from the spanish-speaking countries I admire the kind of cinema that comes from these three, but honestly, if this magister exists in New Zealand, I would definetly go there without second thought.

The best way to learn how to make things by it's doing them, so I would like to study part-time but with onsite classes, so I could go and practice all the time. 

3 comentarios:

  1. Same here! I don't have the intention to keep studing after finish jorunalism hahaha But documentary cinema it's a good idea

  2. You are a creative person, all people they are. If you like the journalism documentary, you should be positive, remember that the practice makes the expert.

  3. Just as I thought haha, The requiriments for entry must be difficult, but I´m sure you have the necessary skills to be there
