viernes, 17 de junio de 2016

English Language Challenges

Learning English at university has helped me to improve a lot, from basic things like the use of capital letters, to learning the differences and correct ways of speaking in formal and informal situations. 

I think lessons could be complemented with recreational activities that include music and audiovisual material, because in my case it has helped me to get used to the language in a fun way.

About the use of blogs, I have a good opinion, because besides helping us to learn about grammar structure and vocabulary, it gives a space where we can feel free to explore things that we are interested in, it incites us to wonder about our dreams and expectations, which are really inspirational things to write about.

I guess the aspect of my English that has to be improved is the speaking, I still lack the right pronunciation and rythm to feel able to communicate with English speakers, but my plan is to improve this by living for awhile in an English-speaking country, so I can practice all the time and learn fast.

These days I'm using English for lots of things. Firstly, to watch movies and series without spanish subtitles, it helps me to get use to the language but also restricts certaing accents, like american mostly. Also now I'm working on an investigation about film continuity and it's relation with eye movents and attention, and almost all the information about this topic is in English, so I've been working hard for undestading all the papers that use too much technical words that I haven't seen before.

4 comentarios:

  1. I have the same problem with my pronuntation and rythm, I hoppe to improve soon!

  2. Im trying to put the movies and series with out subtitles this last three months but is difficult because I don´t want to miss anythintg about the movie!

  3. My pronunciation is terrible. I also believe that my only way to improve is to go to a country that speak that language

  4. Coments on: Ignacio Briso, Sebastian Tapia, Tamara Mera
